(Last updated on May 8, 2016: syntax highlight added)

The Python distribution that comes with Mac OS X is notorious in that it is not easy to update or install modules, and that there is often a dependency issue for applications not preinstalled. Therefore, for OS X users it's usually recommended that using package managers such as MacPorts and Homebrew instead, installing Python therein, and avoiding using the system Python. A better solution for novices is to install an independent Python distribution, including Anaconda and Enthought.

While most of solutions are available for free, it seems a bit redundant to me to have multiple copies of Python. Sometimes I was confused which Python I was using. Therefore, after a clean installation I decided to test how much the system Python can do. The example I chose is to install a module called IPython which is not preinstalled on OS X and provides a graphical notebook interface similar to Mathematica. The procedure below has been tested on Mac OS X 10.10.3.

After some trial and error I realized that it is impossible to install it with the easy_install command. But pip, however, can be installed by easy_install. Therefore, one can do
[code gutter="false" language="bash"]
sudo easy_install pip
sudo pip install ipython[all]
We need sudo because the packages are installed in the system folder which only the root can access. The [all] tag in the second line tells pip to install everything that IPython may depend on. After installation one should be able to execute ipython in the command line. For a graphical interface, run ipython notebook instead.

Some users may run into a problem in which the zmq module is missing (see a related discussion). A possible reason is that the zmq (or pyzmq) module has been previously installed by easy_install, whose egg version is incompatible with IPython (as of ver 3.1.0) and hence not recognized by IPython. The solution is to remove and re-install it using pip:
[code gutter="false" language="bash"]
sudo pip uninstall pyzmq
sudo pip install pyzmq
And one can test it by import zmq under the Python command line. It should work if the installation is successful.

One more thing: the --pylab flag in IPython has been deprecated (as of ver 3.1.0). One should instead execute %pylab in the notebook interface. If one wants the plots to be shown in the notebook interface rather than in a separated window, use %pylab inline.